The time has now come that we can not delay holding our Annual General Meeting any longer because the fees need to be set for the next membership year and a new committee elected.
The committee decided that we would notify the date and we currently HOPE that we are able to do this at one of our shooting venues, BUT unless the government rules are relaxed further allowing more people to gather we will have no choice to hold this virtually. This will most likely me via Microsoft Teams where web or telephone access will be possible.
The committee also discussed ensuring that we make the AGM accessible to everyone regardless of their ability to access either in person, because they may be shielding, or because they’re unable to access the internet that for this years AGM we will allow proxy voting – This means that should you be unable to attend for these reasons, you will be able to send your vote in advance of the meeting to the secretary. More details are to follow on this with the complete AGM pack, 2 weeks ahead of the meeting.
Notice is therefore given of the Annual General Meeting of Northampton Archery Club, which will be held at 2.30pm Saturday 22nd August 2020 at
BBOB Range, BBOB RFC, St.Andrews Road, Northampton, NN1 2PQ
Sywell Range, Kettering Road, Sywell, Northampton NN6 9TE
Virtually via Online & Telephone Access
The location will be confirmed 2 weeks before the date of the AGM.
Here are the blank proposal, officer and president nomination forms for you to complete, these must be with the club secretary – no later than 12pm on 8th August 2020.
- Proposal
- Officer Nomination
- President Nomination
If you would like to know more about any role, please ask the existing officer (see the contacts page) or get in touch with any of us, we’d be happy to explain. Also, if you think there is someone in the club who would do a good job in a specific role – please speak to them!