On Saturday 5th October our archers gathered at Sywell for our last outdoor event of this outdoor season. And what an event it was.Our own Dave Quemby had organised an event called “Pope Young” which for those who have never heard of it before is a speed competition where you have to shoot 6 arrows within 30 seconds at 6 different targets. This event was new to NAC archers but you can bet it will be on our agenda sometime during the next Outdoor Season as it was so much fun with a lot of laughter. Even the weather for this time of year was good for us,……. as the day went on the day got better and sunnier.
After the Pope Young event we finished of the day with our usual outdoor “picnic” where we all picked at nibbles on the tables and finally this outdoor seasons presentations were awarded along with classification badges.
I have put together an album of pictures of the Pope Young and Picnic where the usual rules apply…………..we will send out a link when they are ready so that you can view them within the “members” category of our website under “password” protection before moving them into the main gallery section where they will be open to public viewing. During the interim period please give me details of any picture / s which require removal of members who do not want their picture/s publicized.
Many thanks to Dave and his helpers for the organizing of this event and to all who helped in any way on the day.