Pam has asked me to forward this response;
Saturday evening we celebrated our 65th anniversary of the N.A.C. at Moulton College where our members gathered to share the evening with both “old” (ex members) and “new” (present) members of our club. Amongst the gathering were very disquingished guests from our “past” People like- Mrs Cato and her family, Mr and Mrs Knight, Mr and Mrs Bull. and Pete Kenny’s family, along with others who are just as important to the club; some of whom had been founder members of the club, which started way back in 1948. Some of our old members could not be there in person but I’m sure they were there in “spirit” to share the accasion with us. It goes without saying how good it was for founder members, old and new members, along with their family and friends to share the evening with us as it was a momentus occasion in the history of the club.
I thank you all so much for attending and hope we will see all of you again at sometime in the future.
Just a few more thanks for making the night so special go to… Dave and Heather Major who arranged the DVD slide show that was shown throughout the night showing some fabulous old photographs of the early members and locations of the club from 1948 to 2013. It was interesting to see how the fashion has changed over the years, and I know Dave and Heather will be adding more to it, which will be published on our web pages, I know I’ll be looking forward to seeing that!!
Also to Sue Bond who made up the loverly “members” book for us to sign on the night. If you haven’t seen it make an effort to too as it if wonderful. Over the next few weeks we will take the book to our shooting sessions so that members can add to it and maybe place photos within it of the occasion.
Another thank you to our club photographer Ian Pateman who has placed a set of pictures of the event within our Gallery section of the website.
Some words from one of our members… “a massive shout out to our juniors for their dancing lessons”………and the way they showed us all how to have a good time. Did any of you notice the balloons? Yes? They were our “Club” colours, that took some doing……….hmmmmm and the cake, well it didn’t get cut so we will take it along to the Boxing day shoot at Sywell.
So far the feed back has been very good, it appears that all members enjoyed themselves. The food was arranged by the staff at Moulton College and I have already sent a big thank you to them all on our behalf.
Just one more thing I would like to say is, what on earth is going to happen during the next 65 years as a club?? We are still growing and going from strength to strength. We are planning more “starter courses” during 2014 and we are increasing our “coaches” as we know we are a little lacking in that area with the speed in which the club has grown. I am proud to be the Chair-person of the club and would like to thank all the members who have assisted in our success.
A big thanks to the committee members who have shown me so much support. All in all we are a club trying to please all members which is an impossible task but we strive to achieve.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Pam, N.A.C. Chair.