NAC’s first Open Portsmouth Competition held on Sunday 24th March went smoothly after a very nervous start to the day. Overnight snow throughout the county had prompted a call from John Ashby Sports Hall management for consideration of cancellation. However conditions at Moulton were not nearly as bad as elsewhere within the County, and after negotiation it was agreed that it was safe to go ahead. NAC members joined College staff to clear and salt paths and roadways on site, and the event got under way without incident. One or two entrants, particularly from the west of Northants were unable to attend because of localised conditions, but the vast majority managed to get there. A great day was had by everyone, and there were no further hitches. It looks like at least one county record was broken and the Club Records Officers will be looking for club records set by members. (There will be no need to submit any NAC claims). Our thanks go to all who helped and supported the event in so many ways, along with our Judge for the day, Pete Mallard. Ed, the Duty Manager at Moulton, showed his usual enthusiasm towards NAC, and we appreciate his presence and work. Results for the competition can be found on our Tournaments page. Photographs should soon be available and when published will be on a Galleries page.
Category: Open Tournaments
First NAC Open Portsmouth Competition!
Northampton Archery Club will be holding it’s first annual Open Portsmouth Competition at John Ashby Sports Hall, Moulton College, Northampton on Sunday 24th March 2013. The Club has gone from strength to strength over the last few years and after the success of two open outdoor competitions at Sywell, is proud to now host an indoor open. Two sessions will be held, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Single and Double awards will be up for the taking. It is anticipated that the event will prove to be very popular and potential entrants are advised to apply as soon as possible. An entry form is available for download from our Tournaments Page or here.
First NAC Peter Kenny Memorial Shoot
Our First Peter Kenny Memorial Shoot was held on Saturday 9th February 2013 at John Ashby Sports Hall, Moulton College, Northampton. Shooting a Worcester Round, the event was a fantastic success with 40 archers taking part. After the shoot, members enjoyed lunch, butties and tea in the cafeteria at the college. Trophies and medals were then presented to the winners by Peter’s widow, Yvonne, and son and daughter, Craig and Nicole. All had a great time in memory of Pete, and NAC felt proud to meet his family.

Pete Kenny joined Northampton Archery Club at the end of a beginners course in 1994. He asked to to have a go with a 85-95lb longbow, and despite being advised against this, insisted on shooting. He amazed Pete Bond and Paul Barrett as he shot into the gold at 30 yards – and not just once. Not content he then had a go at 60 yards and stunned the onlookers again when he struck gold again twice. Once a member Pete went from strength to strength shooting for NAC and at other competitions. Sadly Peter was taken from this life at early age and died from a heart attack whilst fishing. The Shoot on Saturday at Moulton will now be held as annual event. Our thanks go to all who helped making the day so great.
Results of the shoot can be found here . A gallery of pictures has been uploaded to this web-site under the members page here
NAC Take Medals at AOR 35th Annual Portsmouth
NAC did well at AOR’s 35th Annual Portsmouth Tournament on Sunday 13th January 2013. Susan Corless and Christine Gibson took Gold and Bronze respectively in the Ladies’ Recurve single; and Silver and Bronze in the Double. Susan took Silver in the Triple. Steve Gibson was awarded Bronze in the Gents Single Recurve, and Silver in the Double. Beryl Taberner took Silver in the Ladies Barebow. David Quemby took Silver in the Gents Double Compound and Steve and Christine Gibson took Gold in the Married Couples. NAC as a Team took Silver. A Great Day, but we do need to be bringing our Juniors on. Full results can be found here.
Medals and Trophies for NAC at Targetcraft 6th Open Portsmouth

Beryl proudly shows off her trophy.
NAC performed well again in the Targetcraft 6th Open Portsmouth Tournament at Rothwell on the 2nd December.
In the single rounds – David Quemby received a bronze for the Gents Compound, Christine Gibson a Silver in the Ladies Recurve, whilst Beryl Tabberner achieved a Gold and Trophy in the Ladies Barebow. David Quemby and Pamela Joseph received a silver in the couples awards, whilst NAC achieved a bronze in the Team section.
In the Double Rounds – Mick Lovell and Christine Gibson came second in the Gents and Ladies Recurve rounds respectively. Steve and Christine Gibson went on to receive Golds in the Triple Recurve Rounds. Christine also set a new county record in the triple round (along with club records for double and triple).
Another good day for our club.
NAC Open 12 August 2012 – and at last the sun shone

A happy end to a perfect day. Sylvia (our judge), Pam (chair lady) and Robyn (Lady Paramount).
Despite several abandoned attempts at holding an outdoor competition this year because of bad weather, Sunday 12th August proved to be a fantastic day for NAC’s 2nd Annual Open Nationals Tournament at Sywell Range. Over 40 archers took part on a beautifully sunny day and a splendid time was had by all; with several club and county records being broken or set. Along with all the hard work by many NAC members, our thanks go to Sylvia Underlin, our judge for the day, and Chris Mason of NCAS and WOAC for his advisory role in setting up the range. Not least of all we thank the archers from far and wide who attended and took part on this memorable day.
The Results from our Open on 12th August can be found here.