Northampton Archery Club compound shooter, Susan Corless and representing Great Britain – was ranked third in the World Cup ranking event in Slovenia held from 5th to 7th May. The event followed the usual international format of 50m qualifying and then head 2 head matchplay. Susan has been shooting for just five years and began her shooting career with NAC. Needless to say Susan is just slightly pleased by the result for which she received a great gong. Well done Susan. The results:
Category: Awards, Trophies and Medals
NAC Winners at County Championships
By normal standards NAC sported fewer than its usual number of entrants at the County Indoor Championships held at Rothwell on 12th March. That doesn’t mean to say the club faired badly – quite to the contrary. Of the five club entrants, four came away with trophies or medals. Both George Bond (junior gent compound) and Susan Corless (senior lady compound) are County Champions for their respective categories. Kerys Knight (senior lady compound) came away with silver and Dean Edwards (senior gent recurve) won a bronze. Mick Lovell (senior gent recurve) narrowly missed a medal – being just six points away from Jeremy Beasley’s (Banbury Cross) championship score of 571. A closely fought battle. Well done – all of you. The full results are here.
NAC shooter crowned National Indoor Champion for Ladies Compound
NAC shooter, Susan Corless has been crowned National Indoor Champion for Ladies Compound 2016 with a 142 win over Layla Annison’s 139 at the NEAC at Stoneleigh Park held on 4th December. Absolutely fantastic. Also shooting compound at the championships was Kerys Knight of Northampton who narrowly missed the cut of the top 32 (the top 32 go through to the head 2 head matches). Well done ladies.
On the same day NAC archers also did brilliantly at the Targetcraft 10th Annual Record Status Portsmouth Tournament at Rothwell. George Bond came first in the Junior Gents Compound, whilst Senior Recurve shooter, Dean Edwards took second place in his class. NAC was also represented by Dave Docker (recurve), Mark Dalley (longbow) and Hazel Dalley (junior barebow). NAC came second in the team awards. A fantastic day all round.
Inter Club Challenge – A brilliant success

The last of the four rounds of the inter-club challenge between Kettering Archers, WOAC, Long Buckby AC and NAC took place at Sywell shooting grounds on Saturday 30th July. The final round was a Pope Young that turned out to be both fun and frustrating – with a few lost arrows in the process. Friendly banter kept the afternoon moving along, and at the end of the shoot, held on a fantastic sunny day that was none too hot, everyone feasted themselves on a grand barbecue. A tombola was held for the Vaughan Tucker fund in aid of a defibrillator for NAC and over £60 was raised. The series of four shoots in the challenge started off on 21st May with a Target Shoot hosted by WOAC, and Long Buckby and Kettering Clubs subsequently hosted Field and Clout Rounds respectively. Results will be posted very shortly, but suffice it to say that Kettering took the trophy for the whole series, and John Bosworth was the proud recipient on behalf of Kettering Archers of the oddly coloured PINK shield.
The seeds of the idea for the challenge had been sown by David Quemby of NAC, who subsequently took care of the admin/organisation work. It is planned to hold a similar series of shoots next year.
Thanks on the day to everyone who took part and helped NAC host the final round – including those who helped set up the targets and run the shoot, those who contributed to and ran the tombola, not least of all to those who laid on the fantastic barbecue, and those that helped tidy away afterwards. A great day for all four clubs; and a grand finale to a brilliant idea that brought the four clubs together.
Junior Fun Day, Presentations and Barbecue – What a day!
Our Juniors Fun Day, Awards Ceremony and Barbecue at Sywell last Saturday 26th September, was a storming success with a great turn out and beautiful sunny weather. Some of our more experienced and (dare we say) older archers thoroughly enjoyed joining the youngsters shooting balloons and plastic balls at the 20 yard range. Great Fun. Florence (Sidney Cato’s widow) joined us afterwards with her family to present the winners and participants in the Sidney Cato Shoots with shields and medals. Then came the barbecue. The food was absolutely amazing – wow! What a fantastic catering team! (I have been advised not to mention any names here!). Thanks to everyone at NAC who made this day so special. A real highlight of the year.
NAC Perform at the NCAS County Outdoor Championships
Five NAC archers shot at the County Outdoor Championships held at Wellingborough Archery Club on 13th September, a cloudy but warm day that later turned a little breezy. Ian Hyde came second overall in the gents longbow, but first in County with a score of 451 in the York round. Susan Corless came first in the Ladies Compound Hereford Round with a score of 1256, whilst Kelly was second in county with a score of 1182. Kelly also achieved a six gold end. Dave Docker, brought home gold in the Gents National Round. David Q sadly brought home nothing bar his usual smile, but shot well in the hotly contested gents compound. Well done again NAC.