252 Awards

The 252 awards have grown more popular last Archery year (2022-23). 

Congratulations to Skye Mould and Steve Tabberner for 30 yards, Mackenzie Geyton for 20 yards, 30 yards and 40 yards. 

A great achievement for everyone, keep up the good work for next years outdoor season.  

252 Awards

The 252 Awards have been proving very popular over the early spring and summer months. 

Congratulations to Beryl Tabberner for 20 yards and 30 yards,  Dave Stephens for 20 yards, 30 yards and 40 yards, Steve Tabberner for 20 yards, Ian Hyde for 40 yards and 50 yards, David Taylor for 60 yards and John Shaw for 50 yards. 

Well done to everyone, a great achievement.  


252 Badges are up for grabs…

…with a slight revision in the rules. As we move outdoors from Saturday 4th May, archers can still receive personal achievement badges to encourage their progress. The 252 scheme returns and members can claim awards for scoring a minimum of 252 points at varying distances from 20 to 100 yards. The rules and framework can be found here.

252 Badges

With the success of the Portsmouth Badges over the winter season the committee has agreed that the rules for 252 awards should fall in line, and it will only be necessary to achieve the minimum score ONCE to qualify for the badge as from this summer season. Any questions – please contact the Records Officers.

Portsmouth Badges Proving a Success

Getting a Portsmouth badge for your improving scores has not, it has to be admitted, been a big ceremonial affair. To an extent, we have to confess, that this has perhaps demeaned the significance of the badges. You present your evidence of score and we huddle in a corner to sort out your higher award. A fairly low key affair. It was never intended that a huge fuss would be made over the badges, as they are, after all, PERSONAL awards for achievement. However, over this Winter season, several archers have taken advantage of the scheme, and are justifiably proud of what they are achieving. For some archers the badges have been a great incentive and indicator of their progress in archery. We congratulate all those who have progressed so well using the scheme, and as the indoor season nears a close, hope that you will take advantage of the 252 awards. If you wish to know more about these awards please visit our Awards Pages on this web-site.

252s and Classification Schemes are back

Now we are shooting outside, we resume the 252 and classification awards, full details of which can be found on these pages 252 and Classification.Members can partake of the 252 scheme at any club shooting session (subject to the rules outlined), whereas the Classification scheme awards can only come from scores at recognised club shoots and tournaments. To qualify for the 252 awards archers need to shoot 252 points (there are adjusted scores for longbows/compounds etc.) three times at different distances of 20,30,40,50,60,80 and 100 yds).

  1. The score of 252 or more to be shot from 3 dozen arrows, using a 5 Zone scoring. (9, 7, 5, 3, 1) After 6 sighters.
  2. The 3 dozen arrows may be shot alone, or as the first 3 dozen of a longer imperial round.
  3. There is no restriction on the order of distances in which the badges are obtained, (ie: a 30 yard badge may be obtained before a shorter distance is attempted. Therefore you may achieve your 60 yard badge, then go for a 20 yard badge

Badges (which cost £2 each) are awarded for each distance and samples of these are being ordered. The Classification Badges are free.