Northamptonshire County Archery Society are putting on a charity Dawn til Dusk shoot on the 29th June 2019.
The shoot will be kindly hosted by Wellingborough Open Archery Club at The Old Grammarian’s Memorial Sports Field on Sywell Road, NN8 6BS.
The event will be a “Dawn ’til Dusk” shoot starting at 05:30 and running through to 21:00. The archers involved will raise money through sponsorship by shooting sessions throughout the day. There will be 5 sessions shot throughout the day. Sessions 1 – 4 will be National Rounds (6 dozen arrows over 2 distances) and Session 5 will be a Warwick Round (4 dozen arrows over 2 distances).
Our aim is to have as many archers from within the county as possible to take part and contribute to this event, to help us achieve our target for the 3 chosen charities.
– Northamptonshire Health Charitable Fund
– Kettering General Hospital Charity Fund
– The Air Ambulance Service
Please see the link below for more information and online donations to the charity shoot.
Help us to reach our target by donating here:-
The link is also what you will need to forward to your sponsors to allow them to donate electronically. Your sponsors will be given the option of leaving a message and can add that it is on your behalf there if they wish to.
Why a target of £12,000? When contacting the charities to ask if we could fundraise for them Northampton General Hospital advised that they wished to raise funding for a special cot for babies with respiratory problems and that these cots cost £2,000 each – why fund one if we can fund two?
This helped us to set the target at £12,000 because £4,000 for each charity would see 2 cots for the unit. When looking at what this might mean for the other chosen charities we were surprised to read that our local air ambulance service averages 6 rescue missions per day and each mission costs approximately £1,700 so we might help keep that air ambulance in the air for half a day with £4,000.
We are grateful for all donations that we receive, but don’t let the target affect your decision. If we are fortunate to be in a position where the target is reached we would still like you to donate as much as you can afford so that all 3 charities receive as much support as we can give them.
Please contact Helen Sharpe if you wish to take part, as she will be creating a list of sponsored archers in the story and Helen can add your name to the list. Her email address for this and any other queries is
Once the event has been completed and we have all funds in, Helen will update the page to include the offline donations to allow us all to see the grand total raised.
For anyone who took part in the Remembering Chris Mason Dawn til Dusk shoot back in 2015, this was a truly fantastic day. Hopefully this event will be just as enjoyable and succesful.
Download a PDF version of the event flyer.