The last of the four rounds of the inter-club challenge between Kettering Archers, WOAC, Long Buckby AC and NAC took place at Sywell shooting grounds on Saturday 30th July. The final round was a Pope Young that turned out to be both fun and frustrating – with a few lost arrows in the process. Friendly banter kept the afternoon moving along, and at the end of the shoot, held on a fantastic sunny day that was none too hot, everyone feasted themselves on a grand barbecue. A tombola was held for the Vaughan Tucker fund in aid of a defibrillator for NAC and over £60 was raised. The series of four shoots in the challenge started off on 21st May with a Target Shoot hosted by WOAC, and Long Buckby and Kettering Clubs subsequently hosted Field and Clout Rounds respectively. Results will be posted very shortly, but suffice it to say that Kettering took the trophy for the whole series, and John Bosworth was the proud recipient on behalf of Kettering Archers of the oddly coloured PINK shield.
The seeds of the idea for the challenge had been sown by David Quemby of NAC, who subsequently took care of the admin/organisation work. It is planned to hold a similar series of shoots next year.
Thanks on the day to everyone who took part and helped NAC host the final round – including those who helped set up the targets and run the shoot, those who contributed to and ran the tombola, not least of all to those who laid on the fantastic barbecue, and those that helped tidy away afterwards. A great day for all four clubs; and a grand finale to a brilliant idea that brought the four clubs together.