Yes it was cold and frosty but the brave few once again attended at Sywell for our Boxing Day ritual.
This year we moved away from the traditional “ping” to something like a Pope Young with a difference.
Mick Lovell was the main man for the shoot as he developed it, but I have to say, we all enjoyed it.
Tea Coffee and Soup (mince pies) was the dish of the day.
Maybe you can see from the artistic work on the targets that it was something unusual.
We have to thank Mick for organizing the shoot., Lizzie Lovell and Niamh Young for their artistic creations, Ian Hyde for moving targets from Carlsberg for the day and back again, Sue Bond for providing the mince pies and for cleaning all the mud from the canteen floor and all the brave people for turning up and just being there to have a good time. I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone (apologies if I have),
Oh did I forget to mention the winner!!! Well there was a battle for first place between Mick Lovell and Peter Bond, There was only one point separating them, and Pete Bond was the best archer on the day.Well done Pete and thanks for taking part.
Picture now in the Gallery section.